Unless noted otherwise the events should be free. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult on rides.
Links to local cycling groups and to the rides they offer are given on our Links page. Note that for the U3A rides participants can go on up to two rides before joining. See the Rides/Commutes page.

Current events

February 2023
Monday, 6 February: U3A ride.
10.00am by the Railway Inn, Killay: Millennium Coast path (NCR 4) to the Pavilion Café, Pwll. (27 flat miles.)
Saturday, 11 February: Wheelrights Routes Group meeting. Cancelled!
10.00am in Ripples Café (West Cross foreshore).
March 2023
Monday, 6 March: U3A ride.
10.00am by the Railway Inn, Killay: round Swansea Bay and up the Tawe Valley cycle path to Clydach. Coffee at Cwtch Corner. (30 mainly flat miles.)
Saturday, 18 March: Wheelrights Routes Group meeting.
10.00am in Ripples Café (West Cross foreshore).
April 2023
Monday, 3 April: U3A ride.
10.00am by the Railway Inn, Killay: Lliw reservoirs via cycle path to Grovesend, Pontlliw, Felindre. (Coffee at lower reservoir.) Return via Clydach and foreshore (NCRs 43 & 4). (30 miles; significant ascents.)
Wednesday, 26 April: Wheelrights General meeting. Ian Williams will give a talk: "Callenging our car addiction".
7.00 pm in the Environment Centre Pier Street, Swansea SA1 1RY. Details on this poster. All welcome.
May 2023
Monday, 15 May: U3A ride.
10.00am by the Railway Inn, Killay: along the Millennium path to Pembrey Coastal Park. Coffee at Yr Osaf. A lap or two of the National Closed Road Cycling Circuit is an optional add on!. (35 flat miles.)
June 2023
5-11 June: BIKE WEEK.
Watch this space for any Wheelrights events.
Monday, 5 June: U3A ride.
10.00am by the Railway Inn, Killay: North Gower loop. Three Crosses, Llanrhidian, Marsh road to Penclawdd, Gowerton. Ice cream in Penclawdd. (13 miles; significant climb to Three Croses.)
August 2023
Thursday 24 - Monday, 28 August: Gower Cycling Festival.
For details visit their website,

Previous events

(Previous) Gower Cycling Festivals.
The August 2018 Festival was the last of nine which took place annually, the first in 2010. They were organised by Nick Guy and David Naylor.
The links below provide a pictorial record of the previous festivals and information about them. Simply click the year.
2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011 & 2010


As noted on the About us page the events which Wheelrights provide include promotional rides and evening meetings.
Several evening meetings a year are held for our members. (Watch this page.) Talks are given at some. These meetings are open (and free). Detailed planning is done in our Campaigns and Routes sub-groups. Members who feel they can help are encouraged to join one of these groups.
Sustrans main role is to create such important things as the National Cycle Network and Safe Routes to Schools. Currently their focus is on upgrading the NCN and encouraging cycle commuting. These aims are shared by Wheelrights. We hope also to help Sustrans - as we have in previous years - by manning stalls or supporting other activities organised by them.
Cycling UK
They changed their name from "CTC" to "Cycling UK" in the spring of 2016. On 1 January 2008 the local CTC group ceased to be a District Association and became the Swansea and West Wales CTC Member Group. (This group decided in 2016 to retain "CTC" in their name.) The old sections disappeared so that the rides which used to be the responsibility of the sections are now coordinated by the one group. They take place on Sundays, Wednesdays and often on another day as well. Most are at a moderate pace between 30 and 50 miles and are graded 1-5. Most are in the range 2-3 with Grade 1 indicating an easy ride suitable for the less fit or inexperienced cyclist. Wheelrights provide Grade 1 rides by means of our Cappuccino rides.
Cycling UK are active nationally in campaigning across the UK for better cycle provision. For information about the local rides visit the CTC Swansea page on CUK's website.
Other events gleaned from wherever are included on this page.