We help get people on bikes

Wheelrights was formed in 1995 by David Judd, Veronica Wood and the late Bob Burn. It was in 'in Limbo' for a couple of years before being revived in 2007. A new structure with officers (The current ones are listed below.) was set up. Meetings for members and others interested are held most months. We hold an agm in the autumn.

Our aims are as follows.

  1. Encourage more people to cycle regularly for everyday journeys.
  2. Improve cycling provision in the Swansea Bay area.
  3. Support and organise events to promote these aims.

To implement the first aim Wheelrights provide support for beginners. Advice for them and for returning cyclists can be found on the Beginners and Rides/Commutes pages. We also support measures to implement Wales's Active Travel Act (2013).

Implementation of our second aim involves behind-the-scenes campaigning (meetings with Council officers, representation at Swansea Council's Active Travel Stakeholder meetings, etc.). We also participate in cycle promotion activities.

Our third aim includes information about cycling events and organising some rides, in particular the Cappuccino rides.

This is our Constitution.

Why we are needed

The need to improve health by providing opportunities for and encouraging healthy exercise has never been greater, as are also measures to reduce CO2 to combat global warming. Cycling can contribute to both of these; it can help bring about a modal shift away from cars and in so doing can improve the fitness and health of those who cycle.

There is the potential to make a major dent in the use of cars both for commuting and for other journeys of less than five miles. This applies particularly to school trips. Currently just over 1% of children cycle to school in Swansea. A tenfold increase would be needed to bring this up to European levels (and even then it would be much less than in Denmark). Sustrans plan to get 10-15% of all pupils cycling to school and have achieved more than this in some of the schools they have targeted. At one school in Suffolk two thirds of the children cycle to school and in Copenhagen the figure is 40%. So why should not Sustran's target at least be achieved in Swansea?

To achieve the necessary model shift to cycling a change in attitude is needed together with measures ranging from infrastructure improvements, through regulation changes, to education. Wheelrights' role is to act as a catalyst in this process.


Wheelrights is affiliated to Cycling UK. This allows Wheelrights members to join CUK at the affiliated rate which is a lot cheaper. CUK membership provides a number of benefits, including third party insurance and discounts at certain stores. To join: first ask our Treasurer/Membership officer (See below) for our club code, then click here and follow the instructions.

Contact us

For general information contact the Chairman or Secretary, or to join us or renew your sub. go to the Join us page.
Chairman: John Sayce. Phone: 01792 537226; e-mail: John.Sayce@ntlworld.com
Secretary: Dareyoush Rassi. Phone: 07974 784786; e-mail: d.rassi@swansea.ac.uk
Treasurer and Membership: Chris Walsh. Phone: 07941 823729; e-mail: Wheelrights32@gmail.com
Webmaster and Newsletter: David Naylor. Phone: 01792 233755; e-mail: david@davidjnaylor.plus.com